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urban creature galapagos-1
urban creature galapagos-2
urban creature galapagos-4
urban creature galapagos-3

Urban Creature galapagos - Low technology, Seoul Museum of Art <SeMA>, 2014
(Led, plastic optical fiber, plastic bag, air motor)
Curator, Yeo Gyeonghwan


Urban Creatures-Natural History Museum, 2014,1
Urban Creatures-Natural History Museum, 2014,2
Urban Creatures-Natural History Museum, 2014,13
Urban Creatures-Natural History Museum, 2014,3
Urban Creatures-Natural History Museum, 2014,4
Urban Creatures-Natural History Museum, 2014,12
Urban Creatures-Natural History Museum, 2014,11
Urban Creatures-Natural History Museum, 2014,10
Urban Creatures-Natural History Museum, 2014,7
Urban Creatures-Natural History Museum, 2014,9
Urban Creatures-Natural History Museum, 2014,6
Urban Creatures-Natural History Museum, 2014,5

'Natural History Museum' (72-10 Mullae-dong 1(il)-ga, Yeongdeungpo-gu), SEOUL
          <Supported by SeMA, Seoul Museum of art>
(Led, plastic bag, air motor), installation, 2014

Prologue, So-Young, Kim

Review, Jeong Yunhui,

Review, Seo Min, Dankook University - Medical College, Professor 


urban creature-kolon 2014-5
urban creature-kolon 2014-4
urban creature-kolon 2014-1
urban creature-kolon 2014-2
urban creature-kolon 2014-3
urban creature-kolon 2014-부분

INFINITY ,  (Spaece K , KOLON) , GWACHEON, 2014


urban creature-villeurbanne 2014-1
urban creature-villeurbanne 2014-2
urban creature-villeurbanne 2014-4
urban creature-villeurbanne 2014-3
urban creature-villeurbanne 2014-6
urban creature-villeurbanne 2014-5
urban creature-villeurbanne 2014-7

Urban Creature – Les invite, l'Hôtel de ville, Villeurbanne, <Frappaz Centre National des arts de la rue>, France, 2014 , (Led, plastic bag, air motor)
Directuer Patrice papelard

urban creature-villeurbanne france 2014-doua-2-2
urban creature-villeurbanne france 2014-doua-2-3
urban creature-villeurbanne france 2014-doua-2-1
urban creature-villeurbanne france 2014-doua-1-4
urban creature-villeurbanne france 2014-doua-1-3
urban creature-villeurbanne france 2014-doua-1-2
urban creature-villeurbanne france 2014-doua-1-1
urban creature-villeurbanne france 2014-4-5
urban creature-villeurbanne france 2014-4-3
urban creature-villeurbanne france 2014-4-4
urban creature-villeurbanne france 2014-3-4
urban creature-villeurbanne france 2014-3-3
urban creature-villeurbanne france 2014-4-1
urban creature-villeurbanne france 2014-4-2
urban creature-villeurbanne france 2014-3-2
urban creature-villeurbanne france 2014-3-1
urban creature-villeurbanne france 2014-2-4
urban creature-villeurbanne france 2014-2-3
urban creature-villeurbanne france 2014-2-2
urban creature-villeurbanne france 2014-1-3
urban creature-villeurbanne france 2014-2-1
urban creature-villeurbanne france 2014-1-2
urban creature-villeurbanne france 2014-1-1

Urban Creature – Les invite, Villeurbanne, <Frappaz Centre National des arts de la rue>, France, 2014 , (Led, plastic bag, air motor)
Directuer Patrice papelard


laputa-urban creatures 2013-4
laputa-urban creatures 2013-1
laputa-urban creatures 2013-3
laputa-urban creatures 2013-2

Urban Creature –Laputa , Multipurpose Art EMU, 2013
(plastic bag, air motor)
Director, Su-jin Park Curator, Maeng Jeonghwan, Kim Soyoung

PrologueSu-jin Park


urban creatures-changwon2013-2
urban creatures-changwon2013-1
urban creatures-changwon2013-4
urban creatures-changwon2013-3

2013, Changwon Asian Art Festival , (Sungsan art Hall), CHANGWON
,(plastic bag, air motor)
Director, Su-jin Park Curator, Maeng Jeonghwan, Kim Soyoung


urban creatures-buksema 4
urban creatures-buksema 2
urban creatures-buksema 3
urban creatures-buksema 1

Urban Creature – <Inaugural Exhibition>, I love Seoul , Buk Seoul Museum of Art <BukSeMA>, 2013
(plastic bag, air motor)
Curator, Choi Hyegyeong, Kim Hyejin


urban creatures-kaist
urban creatures-kaist
urban creatures-kaist
urban creatures-kaist

Urban Creature – Life is beautiful , KAIST KI Building , DAEJEON
(plastic bag, air motor)
Curator, Park Sujin, Director, Kim Jeonghwa

urban creature-park 2012-4
urban creature-park 2012-1
urban creature-park 2012-2
urban creature-park 2012-3

urban creature-park 2012
(Plastic bag, Air motor)


urban creatures2012-3
urban creatures2012-1
urban creatures2012-2
urban creatures2012-4

Urban Creature, 2012
(plastic bag, air motor)



A creature appeared at parking lot- urban creatures 2012-1
A creature appeared at parking lot- urban creatures 2012-2
A creature appeared at parking lot- urban creatures 2012-3

A creature appeared at parking lot- urban creatures 2012
(plastic bag, air motor)



Urban Creature, 2011
(plastic bag, air motor)

urban creatures1-2011-2
urban creatures1-2011-3
urban creatures1-2011-4
urban creatures1-2011-1


life blooming 2010-4
life blooming 2010-2
life blooming 2010-3
life blooming 2010-1

life blooming- AG Gallery, 2010


fake 2009
fake chair 2009 00
fake 2009 00
fake 2009
citizen 2008
citizen 2009
citizen1 2008
citizen2 2008
citizen3 2008
city foot 2008
city foot 2 2008
citizen 2008
city 2008 00
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